Terms of Use

Thanks for using Clevio!

These Terms of Use (“Terms”) govern your access to the Clevio website, applications, API and Clevio widgets, as well as their use (“Clevio” or “Service”). Read these Terms carefully and contact us if you have any questions. By accessing or using Clevio, you agree to these Terms, our Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy and our Community Rules.

Simply put

Each company ha its own terms of service. Here is our version.

1. Our service

Clevio will help you learn and learn new things. To do this, we show (recommend) to you courses that, in our opinion, are relevant and interesting for you personally, based on your activity on our website and beyond.

Simply put

Clevio helps you learn new things online wherever you are. It is personalized for you. We need to know what interests you the most, what knowledge and skills you would like to get using Clevio.

2. Using Clevio

a. Who can use Clevio

You may only use Clevio under a legally binding contract with Clevio and only in accordance with these Terms and all applicable laws. When you create your Clevio account, you must provide us with accurate and complete information. You cannot use Clevio if Any use or access for persons under the age of 13 is not permitted. If you are a resident of the EEA, you are only allowed to use Clevio when you reach the age at which you can consent to the processing of data in accordance with the laws of your country, or if we have given us verifiable parental consent to use Clevio.
b. Our license for you
In accordance with these Terms and our policies, we provide you with a limited, non-exclusive, nc. Commercial Use of Clevio transferable and revocable license to use our Service.
c. Commercial Use of Clevio
If you want to use Clevio for commercial purposes, you must create a business account and agree to our Commercial Terms of Use. If you create an account for a company, organization or other structure, then you and this structure enter the concept of “you”, and you promise that you are authorized to grant all permissions and licenses contained in these Terms, oblige the structure to comply with these Terms and agree to them on behalf of this structure.
Simply put
You cannot use Clevio if you are under 13 years old (in some countries this age is higher). In addition, if you use Clevio for work, you need to create a business account.
3. Your content
Content publishing
Clevio allows you to publish the content of lessons and courses, including photos, comments, links and other materials. Everything that you post or otherwise post on Clevio is called "Custom Content." You own all the rights to the content you publish on Clevio, and you are also fully responsible for it.
Simply put
If you publish your content on Clevio, it still belongs to you.
b. Use of your content by Clevio and other users
You grant Clevio and our users a non-exclusive, free, transferable, sublicensed global license to use, store, display, play, save, modify, create compiled work, perform and distribute your User Clevio on Clevio solely for the purpose of servicing, developing, providing and using Clevio Nothing in these Terms restricts any other legal rights that Clevio may apply to User Content, such as under other licenses. We reserve the right to delete or modify User Content or change the way it is used on Clevio for any reason. This includes User Content that, in our opinion, violates these Terms, our Community Guidelines or other policies.
Simply put
If you post your content on Clevio, we can recommend (promote) it to other users who can start studying the course and if the course is paid, then purchase it for further study. If you made your course public, other authors can make a copy or translate your course into another language, copyright for the course will be preserved by versioning copies and translations. Do not post porn or spam and behave decently on Clevio.

c. How long do we keep your content

After closing or deactivating your account or deleting any User Content from Clevio, we can save your User Content for a reasonable period for backup, archiving or auditing. Clevio and its users can stay and continue to use, store, demonstrate, play, copy and do translations of courses, change that other users have learned on the Clevio platform.
Simply put
If you intend to publish content, you are authorized to use it on the Clevio platform. Copies and translations of content may be retained even after the deletion of content that is assigned to your account.
d. Your feedback and suggestions
We appreciate the feedback from our users and we are always interested in learning how to make Clevio more attractive. If you intend to send comments, ideas or feedback, you agree that we can use them without any restrictions or rewards for you. By accepting your requests, Clevio does not waive any right to use similar or related reviews previously known by Clevio, developed by its employees or obtained from other sources.
Simply put
We can use your suggestions to make Clevio better.
4. Copyright Policy
Clevio has adopted and implemented its own Copyright Compliance Policy under the Digital Age Copyright Act and other applicable copyright laws. You can learn more in our Copyright Policy.
Simply put
We respect copyrights, which we also expect from you.
5. Safety
We care about the security of our users. Despite the fact that we are working to ensure the security of your content and account, Clevio cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will not be able to overcome our security measures. We ask you to keep your password secure. Notify us immediately about hacking your account or its unauthorized use.
Simply put
You can help us deal with spammers by following these security guidelines.
6. Third-party links, websites and services
Clevio may contain links to third-party websites, advertisers, services, special offers and other events or activities not owned or controlled by Clevio. We do not endorse or assume any responsibility regarding such third-party websites, information, materials, goods or services. If you go to any third-party website, service or content through Clevio, you are fully responsible for this and agree that Clevio will not be liable to you due to the fact that you used or switched to a third-party web website, service or content.
Simply put
Clevio provides links to other people's content. Mostly these are wonderful publications, but we are not responsible if they turn out to be bad.
7. Termination
Clevio may terminate or suspend your right to access or use Clevio for any reason by sending you a notification. We may terminate or suspend access immediately and without notice if we have a good reason, including a violation of our Community Rules. After access is withdrawn, you will still have some obligations in accordance with sections 3 and 8 of these Terms.
Simply put
Using Clevio is free. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, but this refusal will be reasonably justified.
8. Warranty
If you use Clevio for commercial purposes (that is, you are not a consumer), if you do not agree to our Commercial Terms in accordance with Section 2 (c) of these Terms, you agree to indemnify and indemnify Clevio Inc for any claims, lawsuits or litigations , disputes, claims, liabilities, losses, losses and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable expenses for payment of legal and accounting services (including expenses for the defense of claims and lawsuits, court cases by third parties), in any way connected with your access to our Service or its use, your User Content or violation of any of these Terms.
Simply put
If we are prosecuted in connection with your business at Clevio, you must pay our costs. First of all, you must create a business account and agree to our Commercial Terms.
9. Disclaimer
The service and all content published on Clevio is provided “as is” without any warranties, express or implied.
In this regard, Clevio rejects any and all warranties and conditions regarding merchantability, suitability for a particular purpose, absence of violations and any warranties arising in the course of business relations or in connection with commercial customs.
Clevio is not responsible or liable for any User Content that is published or sent using our Service by you, other users or third parties. You understand and agree that you may encounter such User Content that is inaccurate, abusive, unacceptable to children or otherwise incompatible with your intentions.
Simply put
Unfortunately, some users may post courses that do not meet the requirements and may seem offensive and unacceptable to you. We take these things very seriously, but you can still encounter similar content before we can remove it. If you find such courses or content, then let us know here.
10. General conditions
Notification Procedure and Modification of these Terms
We reserve the right to determine the methods and type of notifications sent to you, and you give your consent to receive legal notices in electronic form, if we decide so. These Terms are subject to change from time to time, and the current version will always be posted on our website. In the case of significant changes, in our opinion, we will notify you of this. By continuing to use Clevio after the changes take effect, you automatically agree to abide by the updated Terms. If you disagree with the new Terms, you must stop using Clevio.
Simply put
We will notify you when we make major changes to these Terms. If you do not agree to the new Terms, stop using Clevio.
Effective June 5, 2022

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  • Terms of Use
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